Welcome to the official web log of SohoISP South Africa.

SohoISP ™ is a division of SOHO Systems South Africa ® (CK 2003/046065/23), functioning as National Internet Service Provider operating from Hermanus in the Western Cape.

SohoISP ™ currently offers connectivity solutions ranging from Dialup to Broadband, including, but not limited to 56k Dialup, 128k-2Mb ADSL, wireless 3G, as well as iBurst.

We also offer Domain Name Services (DNS), including domain name registration, transfer, and renewals.

In conjunction with SOHO Studios, we offer web site development, while SOHO Hosting, manages web site hosting.

Last, but not least, we also offer on-site training, relating to browsing, downloads, email, faxmail, blogging, social networking, syndication, etc.

Within these pages you will find, not only our portfolio of services, but also a wide variety of internet-related resources, including:

Various recommendations related to plugin extensions for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Our music videos section include some hilarious (but informative) musical commentary by the likes of Rhett & Link.

We hope you will enjoy your stay with is.
