Employers and Companies (such as Virgin Airlines) have also used Facebook as a means to keep tabs on their employees and have even been known to fire them over posts they've made. [1]
Serving Legal Notices
In December 2008, the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory ruled that Facebook is a valid protocol to serve court notices to defendants. It is believed to be the world's first legal judgement that defines a summons posted on Facebook as legally binding. [1|4]
In March 2009, the New Zealand High Court associate justice David Glendall allowed for the serving of legal papers on Craig Axe by the company Axe Market Garden via Facebook. [1]
Facebook has more than 400 million active users, of which more than 50% login daily, where they spend more than 500 billion minutes per month. The average user has 130 friends. [5]
Facebook addiction have become a serious problem. Fortunately there is a solution - "facebook suicide" [3] (the closing down of a facebook account). "Facebook suicide is the leading cause of deleted accounts in all of social networking". [3]
1. Facebook (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; 9 May 2010)
2. EJ Hill (Facebook Profile; 9 May 2010)
3. Facebook Suicide (G4TV: YouTube Video; 9 May 2010)
4. Noel Towell. Lawyers to serve notices on Facebook (BizTech; 16 December 2008)
5. Facebook Statistics (Facebook; 9 May 2010)
For more information, please visit Facebook.